Sunday, May 10, 2020

Welcome to my new Reinveinting Ourselves Blog - Kathy Caprino

Welcome to my new Reinveinting Ourselves Blog I have created this as a forum for positive discussion, insights, questions, and thoughts aimed to assist all those who are wishing to positively reinvent or transform at least one aspect of their lives. This week, Id like to focus on a question:Do you believe that following your dreams would make your life happier? Recently, Paul Coelho, a world-renowned author of The Alchemist and other transformational books whom I admire, posed the question on Yahoo, Can following your dreams make the world a better place? I was truly amazed at the feedback. While some believed that following ones dreams would lead to great outcomes, many individuals were afraid that others might follow dreams of destruction or hurting people. I believe that we are meant to follow our dreams, but only after weve fully understood them, and only when they represent our highest selves. When we move forward to bring into being our most joyful, loving, expansive, creative, and expressive self, we dont want to do harm or cause pain. We want to bring ourselves and others joy and freedom. When we want to do harm, we are thinking and acting only from a wounded aspect of ourselves. If that is the case, the dream is a metaphor for what needs to be addressed in our lives, and healed. But if following our dreams would be helpful to ourselves, it is usually of help to others. If our dreams are about expanding, being creative, being more real and authentic, then I believe we must follow our dreams, or we are wasting a precious opportunity called life. So, Im interested in hearing your thoughts on what your life would be like if YOU followed your dreams (your deepest wishes for yourself and your life). What do you dream to be and do?What holds you back from doing that? Do you think youd have a more joyful life if you moved forward to your dreams, today? Thanks for sharing!

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